Tuesday, July 17, 2018

#Amazon's Echo Device Chief on the Risk of Alexa's Many Rewards #moneymaking #branding #crypto #bitcoins #socialmedia https://apple.co/2En0ngA#?q=%23Amazon%27s+Echo+Device+Chief+on+the+Risk+of+Alexa%27s+Many+Rewards+%23moneymaking+%23branding+%23crypto+%23bitcoins+%23socialmedia&cc=us Imagine an always-on digital-assistant who is friendly, will turn off your lights, order from your shopping list, can chat about anything from the World Cup to Japanese anime, and who will also know t... https://ift.tt/2uuFz4n July 17, 2018 at 05:19PM

Imagine an always-on digital-assistant who is friendly, will turn off your lights, order from your shopping list, can chat about anything from the World Cup to Japanese anime, and who will also know t...
by via Amazon | Automatic Website Traffic RSS

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